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Tips for the Ultimate Wedding Ceremony - From a Videographers Point of View

Every couple will without a doubt have their own style and ideal wedding, some people are happy with the shortest ceremony possible so they can pop the champers sooner and others will prefer to have a longer ceremony with stories, readings, songs and other symbols of coming together. Having been to many wedding ceremonies as a videographer (and then watching the ceremony back numerous times) there are a few things which I love to see and which gives me great footage to utilize for the highlights video. So this post is coming from a biased (videographer) view and so again there is no right or wrong, only you know what the ultimate ceremony for you looks like. These are just a few suggestions for you to consider when planning your ceremony.

Often a really nice way to break the ice at the start of the ceremony is to have the celebrant tell a story about the two of you – maybe how you met, what you thought of each other before you met or the proposal story. Something light hearted that will make people (and yourselves) chuckle will be perfect - this not only eases the nerves but also makes great footage as everyone is cracking a smile or a laugh.

When you meet your groom at the end of the alter hold hands from the beginning of the ceremony and throughout. It can (not always but it can) look a little awkward when you’re both standing there not exactly knowing what to do with your hands and so I feel like you’ll both be a bit more comfortable hand in hand, especially if you’re feeling a little nervous.

Write and read your own personal vows. I think it makes the ceremony more personal and it’s another opportunity to get your audience to crack a smile or a big 'naaaaaaww'. Selfishly, I prefer if couples read their vows themselves rather than repeat after the celebrant, only because if we want to include that in the video your words flow a lot better when you’re reading and saying on your own.

Make sure you charge and check your sound system the day before and on the day of the ceremony to make sure there’s no crackling, cutting out or other interference. Your guests have come to witness and celebrate your union with you – so be sure they can hear the ceremony by having a reliable sound system.

Play music throughout the signing of the register and when you walk back down the aisle. It helps break the silence and lifts the mood.

If you are having someone play the music for you through a speaker system from your phone throughout the ceremony proceedings it’s probably best to turn off the passcode to avoid them forgetting it on the day and having to race over and sneakily ask – trust me it happens.

If it’s not already on your list – consider confetti – lot’s of it! Have your guests throw petals / confetti over you with enthusiasm as you walk back down the aisle as newlyweds. This makes great photos and video footage!

I’ll be creating a series of blog posts for ideas and inspiration so be sure to like my Facebook page to keep up to date!


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